Thursday 1 September 2011

SIDE by SIDE with HEART and MIND by Allan A. Cimino

Anyone who was married and divorced. Had a relationship then separated. Who has fallen in love, for a second time, and thought it was, or might have been impossible. Writing thoughts of that person they have fallen in love with, either in person or from a distance. Someone who used their imagination, to view the world in their mind, and see it come to a reality, would enjoy reading this book.

Swells up inside....Tries to hide
The ache of a tear that was formed
When it breaks out...Your heart speaks
Each day i wait..Is another day gone
A relationship that's not going on
My soul weeps for the love i need
Brings tears to my eyes, an ache to my heart
From that moment..i feel..when will it start
Feel like i'm lost...Floating around
Looking..Searching..For her to be found
My days are passing..My nights....alone
Hoping for someone to share my home
Things i possess, the things i own
That person for me...To be mine alone
I'll share my life...Give her my heart
From that moment on..She's a new start
Emotions i feel..The emptyness inside
Will all seise to exist..Fill me with pride
I long to hold...Feel her touch
Make me realize..That i've gained so much
A new search..for me to begin
To revive my spirit...My soul from within

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